Relieve Lower Back Pain with Yoga Workshop
Identify six red flags that cause lower back pain and learn simple yoga techniques to help correct them
Saturday, April 11, 1-3pm
at Prana Yoga Center
If you’re looking to relieve lower back pain, or want to prevent it from occurring in the first place, this yoga rehab workshop is for you.
You’ll explore six commonly experienced red flag postural issues that could be causing pain in your lower back, or that might cause lower back pain in future. Then you’ll learn some simple yoga moves to help correct them naturally.
Click here to learn more about poor posture and how to overcome it
You will learn:
- Tests and visual cues to help identify which postural issues you might have
- The anatomy behind the issues to help you understand why they are happening
- Simple yoga moves and posture fixes to help correct the issues and/or prevent them from happening in the first place
All levels welcome.
Register soon to reserve your space.
Workshop held at Prana Yoga Center, La Jolla, California.
To register click on the workshops tab at the top of the page at this link or call (858) 456-2806.
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