Upcoming Workshops with Ann West
Yoga for Mental & Emotional Well-Being
Saturday, March 16, 2019, 1:30-3:30pm
Nurturing Your Mind through Your Body
Have you ever noticed how good you feel physically-and-mentally when you practice yoga regularly?
Yoga is not only beneficial for your physical well-being—it can also be used as a powerful tool to reduce stress and heal challenging emotional states. It does this by directly affecting the stress response system: reducing heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and making breathing easier. Together, these physiological benefits help soothe the nervous system and nurture a more balanced and calm disposition.
In this workshop I’ll be teaching practical yogic techniques you can use to alleviate stress and improve your mental and emotional well-being.
You will learn:
- dynamic heart opening poses to boost vitality and ease symptoms of depression
- calming restorative poses to soothe the nerves and reduce anxiety
- breathing practices to promote mental clarity and quiet emotional disturbances
All levels welcome.
Register soon to reserve your space.
Workshop held at Prana Yoga Center, La Jolla, California. To register click on the workshops tab at the top of the page at this link or call (858) 456-2806.
More 2019 Workshops
Yoga for Menopause
Saturday, June 1, 2019, 12-2pm at Prana Yoga Center
Yoga to alleviate menopausal symptoms and offer support through this pivotal transition.
Full workshop description coming soon.
For more yoga articles, updates, classes and workshops, sign up for my newsletter at the top of the page or like on Facebook at Ann West :: Iyengar Yoga. You can contact me directly by email or call (858) 224-2484.
© 2019 by Ann West. All rights reserved.